Instead of using a framework that already exists and can change if modified by its creator, you can choose a framework that already exists and clone it. You will then be able to edit the new version as you like without changing the former version and affecting the projects connected to this former version.
On the right side, click on the sheets icon (next to select framework). A window will open. You can change the title and add a description, then submit and it will create a copy of the framework. When your copy is created, you click on the pen icon and edit (next to select framework).
When you edit a framework, you have access to a tab with Framework Details indicating the metadata linked to the framework (Framework Title, creator, date of creation, associated organization, description). A preview is accessible if an image has been uploaded as a reference and the list of framework users appears down to the screen where you can Add a user.
The second and third tab allow you to edit the primary Tagging and secondary Tagging dimension of the framework. The fourth tab allows you to review your framework. The final tab allows you to work on assisted Tagging. If the visualization is enabled in the first tab, you can also access a last tab called Visualization Settings. All those functions are further explained in the next section.