To use the assisted tagging features, Assisted Tagging needs to be activated from your framework and your framework matched with the NLP.
If your framework has been already matched with the NLP, when opening the Tagging process, you’ll have an Assisted Tagging feature that appears right below the Simplified Text tab. Activate the Assisted Tagging.
Then, select an excerpt that will be your entry, instead of clicking on the + symbol, click on the purple brain icon. An entry appears with suggestions of tags (primary Tagging and secondary Tagging section).
If the tags found by the Assisted Tagging don’t seem relevant to you, you can add or unselect one or several widgets by opening the pop window next to the categories found and then create the entry by clicking on the pen, or you can keep nothing and click on the cross and discard entries.
If the tags seem relevant to you, you can click on the pen symbol and create the entry. Then, the usual process with entries apply.
This step of creating or discarding the entry will help the NLP to identify what has been relevant suggestions and what hasn’t been relevant.
If the widgets seem relevant but you want to add more tags, create the entry with the pen symbol and then tag your entry as usual.